Hate me?
Pissed off with me?
Come face me!
Don't go around telling people u hate me!
Don't go around regretting what u've done for me!
I thought it was done dengan ikhlas!
Get a whole of urself before spitting out........
"Tak sangka boleh jadi mcm gini.
Susah payah after keje malam gi amek something u like.
This is what i get in return."
As far as I know, everything's done dengan ikhlas.
Tak akan di ungkit.
Tak akan di ungkit ke bende.
Listen to yourselve complaining.
Don't contradict yourselve can.
*peace out*
I noe it's time for me to post something new.
It have been a great 18th befday. Everything was so to the MAX. Presents after presents. Surprises after surprises. I am a lucky bitch, aren't I
Pen. hehehehe....
Nothing new, xcept that home is not reallie home, for now.
Everything isn't going well. Well, everything except for my befday. Sooo loving my befday can. Like very2 loving.
Tomorrow will be a start of a new week. Nothing much to look forward to cos befday's gone. HAHAHA! New stuff to explore. Wad new stuff? I have no idea.
I hate this kind of post. It's all blabbering and it makes no sense.
Well..... I'll post pictures lah.
ICT gals go Raya-ing
Liiike so nice can?
Flawless US-thanx to good camera
I GOT PRESENT!!!!! *bluek*
PREZZIE!! from tang & lam
the surprise that shooked me updated my befday gifts.
Candy Befday

We hope you have a splendid 19th Befday. Love ya many2!!!! *muax*

Befday cake-- Pen & Tini
9 lilies-- Aki
Befday lunch-- Aim
Lime green scarf & purple beads-- Candy & Evonne
Bright Sunflower-- Dar
"Princess" Boster-- Dad
"Putri" hair clip & PR BnP set-- Mum
Purple T-shirt-- Sista
Purple Volks-- Bro
Brown Jacket-- Pen & Tini
Butterfly earing & necklace set-- Fana, Sally, Mazi, Haya
Tommy Girls scent set-- Aki
"" big golden bag-- Da stonerz
I never wish for it to end. Thanks to every individual who gave their wishes, be it on the day or belated or very very belated. Thanks to
Dar for spending time and the befday song.
For now,

not prepared for the surprise! but i'm happie-happie!!
Surprises after surprises. Yesterday was an almost-perfect day.
It was such a surprise to receive 9 stalks of Lilies from
Ki. I was shocked, total shock-ness. Thaks alot for them. I've cut them and placed in a nice jug. Just waiting for them to blossom by 23rd Nov.
In the evening, ma two
GFs surprised me wif BEFDAY cake! Them wif other graduated PTPS peps. Awww..... Soooo sweet. I soooo love the cake. Thanks many2!! You guys rox!!
Went rayaing with them till 10 plus. Tired & exhausting, thanks to the Heels.
How I wish there's a "Befday Week". So enjoying myself.
Have I mention that I hate MONDAY? I so don't like Monday. PM for the 1st lesson.? YAWNZ!!
And I missed rayaing wif the
MAD peps. Sadness.. Pure sadness....
Yesterday while window shopping, I saw stuff that I wish I could get hold to. Haix! Esprit jacket.... Sony Ericsson Z520i... Oh well!!!
Yesterday, I declare myself bankruptcy. Hehehehe.... Oh well! Anyone want to sponosor me for awhile..? Sms me kae...
Harry Potter. Somehow, at first I can't understand what are they blabbering about BUT I loike the movie. I can watch it again IF someone wants to pay for it. Some reason to watch the show again is, 1st: Try to understand the storyline again. 2nd: Try to figure out what the 1st part of the movie talking about.
I always hear guys complaining about they don't understand why girls have to be this and have to be that. And hearing girls say, "HEY! I"m not like that. I'm not like ANY other girl." To think about it, who knows ur better than the people around us. They see the multiple sides of us.
To the guys. Get over it! You won't ever, never understand why girls do this & why they do that. Stop comparing them with yourseldf If girls & guys were to be the same, why don't we just all get married to the same sex. End of misery. So, LIVE WITH IT!
To the girls. You can't have everything that you want. NEVER! In a zillion life time, WE CAN'T! We can never be the priority of our boyfriends. They have parents to think off, they have friends, they have carreers. If they are busy, they won't think about you. If WE are busy, we think about them. We can make them our priority, they can't. But we still love them, don't we? So, LIVE WITH IT!
Told you, whatever you said yesterday made me think. Sometimes I wonder..... Cos girls always wonders tooo much. LIVE WITH IT!
Lunch was great today. Can't say he's super cute, he's just cute. So tall somemore... OH WELL!
So far, 2 assingments that were done, both gave satisfactory results. Happy for us.
Wondering what to buy for
Candy. She wants skirt, can I buy for you XXL size skirt? Buying something larger is better than buying something small. At least you can go alter it youself.
Yey! Tml no class!! Going to watch movie. I need work. Need to buy stuff & need money. Haix!
I'm like in the mood to attend a chalet. What's the reason? I also don't know. Anyone got chalet for me to go to...?

It may look like a normal
prata. But look at it carefully. Well, for me la, I've never seen a RECTANGULAR
prata before. NEVER!

Although the picture is not clear, I hope you guys can see the york coming out of the RECTANGULAR
prata. Hard, cooked york. Where in Singapore is there a
prata that has cooked bull's eye egg in them & it's in the middle of the RECTANGULAR
prata. If you guess that the rest of the prata is empty?- Yes, u are right! So, it's actually egg-cum-plain RECTANGULAR prata. It can only be found at NP!
It may sounds over, BUT! I can't help myself from laffing from the stall to the other end of the canteen. Wadever~
So, had presentation today. I thought that we will did not that good, but we got good respond. That means, we are good! Congrats to us!

9 more days.
Tak semangat sey aku.....
6 sms-es, no phone calls.
Life cycle.
Today's already a week since grandpa passed away. Had
kenduri. I'm beat, but I still haf a pile of dried clothes that's waiting to be folded. I felt so calm at grand's house. My brain's not messed up. But once I'm in the car,
berkecamok sak otak. I may look fine from the outside, but I'm full of anger inside.
I may look innocent, but that does not make me DUMB. I am naive, but that does not mean you can lie to me. And now, I'm hurt inside..... What can you do? Nothing. That's what you can do. Nothing. I just don't know how to say this to you, but I'm really hurt. I thought I was strong, but I am not. I thought I can accept the fact, but I can't. Y? Cos I can't.
Who am I right now? No one. Exactly no one.
Can't believe it's happening to me. Trusted you soo much. I still can't believe you did this to me.
Feizel, thanks eh!!!
In 2 months, I've lost an Uncle and a GrandFather.
Thanks for the name
Thanks for the wishes.
Dar, thanks for being there for me...
Yesterday was damn hot and tiring. Reached Singapore at 1am. We wore all black and we received lots of comments on the whole-black-family constume from the
kampopng people. Probably they don't adopt this color code thingy there. OH WELL! Anyways, I felt so suci & pure yesterday.
Photography class was OK la. Shall be fun-ner for the next class. I looove photography. Shall I be a photographer one day? OH YEAH! I should.. Hahaha....

1st day of raya

messy hair (suppose to c de highlight.)

neatly blow dry-ed
I should implement this rule now.
I should get
duit raya for every
phrase I say to working adults.
Aku belum puas jalan pat bazaar geylang! Where shall I get my baju raya for next year? Lah! If I'm still alive by then.. Insyallah, we will!
Here's the plan for tomorrow.
After solat raya, head to grands @ Pasir Ris. Then we'll be heading to grands @ Malacca. Oh yah! Seee.... I'm in Singapore. After so many years spending raya nite @ Malacca, we finally get to raya in Singapore 1st. But sadly, mum's not here to celebrate this raya nite with us.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI maaf zahir dan batin....halal kan semuanyer yer.... don't forget to come to my house k.... can eat kueh raya.. ok, shall stop blabbering.
I don't know what happened. Sorry, things just can't be the way it's suppose to be. What we can do now is, face the future-don't look back.
Anyways, yesterday was the 1st day of the new semester. Modules seems very stressful though. Oh well! And yesterday was like, FOOD DAY! I've got chocolates, nougat, biscuit.
After school went to do hair. For the 1st time, my hair is damn straight and soooo in place. Look so feminine can. Hehehe!
Pen & I are very happy customer, aren't we
House is half done. Half more to go. Now, I don't feel like
raye-ing. I just feel like schooling, getting myself occupied. Working.
Should I join 24-7?
The pay is damn tempting la.. But the place is like far. The pay..... the pay.... the pay....
What you want?