Another week.
This week, I decided to do a week update of what I was wearing for the whole week.It was just for fun and to use up all the space in my memory card.
So, may I warn the readers out there(macam paham) this entry will be full of my pictures.





And you think that's it??
Wooooo... I still have two more collections(chet!).
Thanks to two outings to Ikea, on two different days, more happy-happy pictos!

(More pictos!)
Ikea trip #01 with the great colleague. (=
She finally shopped like she never shopped before.
Another visit when the pays are in!!!

(More pictos!)
Ikea trip #02 plus Giant shopping.
Another family outing, that turned out marvelous.
Dearest you,
I have to admit it gonna be tough.
You not being here, and all I can do is pray you well.
I'll leave my thoughts of you till you return.
In my arms I wish you were here.
But hey, not all in life I can have rite?
So... be well and strong.
I'm here for you and
I'll be here waiting for you to be back.
But for now,
I'll sleep with blury eyes.
Love you & missing you ALOT, jackass!
Infinity hugs&kisses,
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