
Have you ever felt so angry that all you want to do is bash something or somebody?
Have you ever felt so angry that all you want to shout and start crying?
Have you ever felt that something small can make you very angry that you just feel like killing that someone beside you?
Gosh! I was so angry at
you till I felt that I need to burn down the coffee shop on that side of the road.
I so want to burst at
I so want to curse you inside and out.
When you are born hot-headed, it's just so difficult to control the ragging anger. Be one, and tell me how you control it!
I need to go and cry now.
This sucks!
I am just angry at
you. PAHAM TAK?!?
School's such a drag.
I wanna yooou here!
A plate full of Nasi Briyani.
Good lucks for your paper!
The Tale of Hari Raya Outing.
I have a lot to type, but the mood is just isn't there.
Unbuckling the b** has never felt so good, so sensual and so satisfying before.
The endless food have now been digested properly and flowing thru my vains and nerves and everywhere else except for the arse.
And now I just want us to carry on. *Hugs*
I know this was suppose to be posted on the first day of raya, but hey! I wasn't in Singapore and
kampong has no Internet Connection.
To all my muslim readers,
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Cium tangan sikit, makan kuih raya sikit, duit raya sikit.....
So, here are some of the 1st day of Raya pictures. Missed the presence of the late grandfather though.
Sayu sungguh
The usual family protrait is the Grands @ Kampong.

Parents. Grand @ PR. Cousin + Family.
I wanna go raya outing. I hate school! Bleargh!
--------- Here's some random pictures of Yours Truly. Did I mention I lorve myself?-------

This is my new baby..........
Can I have this?

Oh well, CyberShot is too expensive.... So this will be just great! (=
Event: Sakura-ing with MAD5 + The Invites.

9 ice water = 9 peoples

"ah! ah! ah! peeeedassssss!" - sally
"it's just chillie." - haya
"IT IS CHILLIE!." - abri

Keayuan MAD 5.

Down with Fever.
Bad flu.
Full package of 'husky' cough and sore-throat.
And the best of all......
I've an eyelid infection. Coolness. Haha!
Sorry can't be out today.
The haze is damn bad.
Sorry to the gfs. We'll make it up, kae?
I'm so siiick.... Sobs.
I just realised that my two buds in school are not going to be with me for next semester except for some of the lectures. DAMN BUGGER!!
so sad can................
Geylang and Saturday
And so, Saturday the 1st Geylang trip for this year.
As usual the sardines....
Naz told me about this
lampu kelap-kelip songkok I pictured a songkok with the real kela-kelip lights only the lights are smaller. So I told my brother about it. Asked him countless time to get it. Dengan semangatnya dia mengatakan TIDAK!.
Well...... when we were in Geylang. He was so delighted to see that songkok and even agree to get it!
Sungguh terpesong aku membuat andaian.
Go check it out. The stall is somewhere in the bazaar. (=
This year bazzar seems as though it won't end. 5 hours of walking, I think we still haven't complete the rounds. Gosh!
I wished that I didn't had that kebab for break fast. If not I could have bought all the food at Geylang itslef. Next timeeee...
Baju raya - checked!
Heels for raya(thanks to
Mr F) - checked!
Head Scarf - checked!
What else eh......
That Kurtha is damn nice la!!!
That's the reason I don't wanna hope.
Searched everywhere, hoping to get a glimpse of you.
Excited to step in there, hoping to get to see you.
A little upset.
Tried to stay awake, just to talk to you on the phone.
Rushed everything, just to get home.
Excited to be on bed and dialling your number.
When I really wanted to see you, I don't get the chance.
When I really wanted to talk to you tonite, you said "Let's just talk tomorrow."
Dear God, Please give me strength to get thru this.