1 Year Anniversary Gift
The Answers...
I got all the answers to all my questions. Appreciate the effort you made to tell me everything. The real reason why we are what we are now.
I thought I was strong enough to face you but I wasn't. I cried my heart out and all I can do is cry.
As everything happened only temporarily, because we are what we are now.
I'm glad there's a young someone who's caring and watching over you.
Go on and lead your good life while I'll be hanging around here a little bit more longer than expected. Because the reality is too much for me to take handle in just one night.
Smoking is your past time, crying is mine.
crying in your arms makes me want to cry more. i miss you baby, miss you alot.
I wanna blog. But I don't have anything interesting to blog about.
love, care, concern, you
Broken heart Biatch!
No matter how clear reality is, I still can't accept it. I can't move on with my life, and I can never stop loving and missing you.
You made it clear, there'll be nothing for us-anymore.
I can't accept that.
You made it clear, that your busy schedule is not going to make way for me.
I can't accept that.
You made it clear, that you don't want me anymore as your girlfriend.
I can't accept that.
You made it clear, you want me to move on so much.
I can't accept that.
You made it clear, that I should not waste my tears for you.
I can't accept that.
I am weak towards this love.
I can't accept that.
I am going insane thinking about you.
I can't accept that.
I am getting helpless.
I can't accept that.
All I wanted from you is to love me, make time for me, treat me well.
Obviously, there's no more love.
Obviously, there's no more room for me.
Obviously, I'm just like any other ordinary friend of yours.
I cry and cried for you.
I stood up for you.
I was there for you.
I loved only you.
And all I get for loving you is a broken heart that hurts so badly, very badly.
I wish you could hear my cries.
I wish you could hear my voice calling for you.
I wish you could hear the heart missing you.
I wish you could hear the screams of your name.
I just wish you could hear ME.
I gave everything to you. I loved you with everything I had. I missed you every single second of my life. I prayed for good things for you all these while.
And here I am, trying to fix a broken heart. Trying to see the reasons..
The reasons........
Why we are here where we are now.
This will just be temporary.
The Tale of Bumble Bee and Butterfly
You can take it as an advice and contradicting yourself will just make you look like a fool.
Once upon a time, there lived a Butterfly who feel in love with a Bumble Bee. As you know, they came from two different living conditions but they loved each other more than anything else. The Bumble Bee has always been the popular one among the Bumble Bee Community. Due to that, the Butterfly sometimes felt insecure and as though it is being left out from the Bumble Bee's life. As a bee, Bumble Bee never fails to keep itself busy with everything and anything that it can get it's wings to while the Butterfly has always been the free one most of the time. So, this limits their time together. But both the Bumble Bee and Butterfly knows that and were prepared for that. Unfortunately, the Butterfly sometimes get to sensitive to the situation. From these sensitive-ness, they always get into alot of quarrels and arguments. No matter what happened, they still held on with the love they had for each other. Times go by, and the same thing happened again. Again, cos this upset moment(for the Butterfly) happens every month. The Butterfly decided to end things, out of being too upset due to lack of attention. Bumble Bee agreed, Butterfly was so broken so was Bumblee Bee. Now, Butterfly don't think that they will ever get back together again. The End.
No strings attached.No more hoping.
No more joyness coming from here.
Let's just fuck it!
Let's just fuck it. It is what it is, now. This is never easy, trust me it's not. I'm hating life right now!!!
I don't like
my tears.
It is as simple as this.
Read two blogs regarding their close connection breaking up with the partner. And like any other people who are not aware what's the real story behind the break-up, they just jump to conclusion about the other party being unfaithful to love la and the friend of the party is being a biatch. One of them even uses the word "slut".
Some tips.
Ask you close connection, not to be
1) too protective
2) controlling
3) treat the next partner better
4) be aware of the surronding- instead of being selfish.
Shall not resort to any name calling, but just good luck to you. Because you have alot to learn from the past r'ship. And your ex-partner deserves better than what you have given he/she.
Take care, aite!
5 Things I hate right now.
1) I hate feeling insecure and jelaous.
Hey, it's not that I didn't try not to get jealous okay! Well, look at the bright side. At least now you don't have to worry about money if you wanna a nites out. You get sponsored most of the time.
2) I hate it when I face starts to dry up.
Arggh! Dry skin = itchy-ness. Damn!
3) I hate it when hard-earned money flies away just like that.
I shall not explain the details. Heart-pain!
4) I hate it when you twist your words here and there.
A minute you'll say this, then the next you say that. I get confused that it'll get you unhappy. And then..... Haix.
5) I hate it when I can come up with a "5 Things I hate right now" list.
How negative is my life sei? Why must there be hate when you can just love? I need a change of life system. I need to change my ways. I just wish life is much more kinder to me from here on. Please.
A quote I live for.
Hope keeps a dream alive while False Hope shatters that dream apart.
$15 and $10
The ticket prices have been reduced, again!
Now it's $15 for the guys and $10 for ladies (pre-sale only).
So... purchase them asap!!!
I found a new Love!!!
Slurp! Slurp!

presenting...... Cream of Tomato
Happy 14th Birthday Biatch!