A short story.
We started off as strangers
and I hated you so much;
Then, we went on dates
and that made me feel fine.
Eventually, we got togteher
but we were on different frequencies;
One day, we did leave each other
thinking that we were not meant to be.
After some time, we came back as one
it was very difficult for the both of us;
And now, 5 months later, we are here
thanking God and each other for this second chance.

Then, we went on dates
and that made me feel fine.
Eventually, we got togteher
but we were on different frequencies;
One day, we did leave each other
thinking that we were not meant to be.
After some time, we came back as one
it was very difficult for the both of us;
And now, 5 months later, we are here
thanking God and each other for this second chance.

.13 Months.
My famous, "Maner ader!" aka "Where got!" retard face!
We just looooorve quarelling and getting pissed at each other. That's the way we show affection, actually only me la. kwang kwang kwang! Dia yang mamak, aku yang suka drama.
My famous, "Maner ader!" aka "Where got!" retard face!
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