Thursday, February 08, 2007

What happens?

Currently, examination fever is hitting hard on me. Had done nothing else but mugging the endless chapters of the ever-so-boring Mobile Computing Modules. I had to work extra hard on the two core modules cos I failed both papers for the Common Test. So, if I were to flunk this time round, GOODBYE graduation on May 2007.

Therefore, the stress level went 5 levels up.
FYI, my health status is never great. It's actually very poor.

Therefore, the result of the high stress level...

1) Had my period for the 2nd time within 3 weeks. (meaning that the 1st period only stooped for 5 days.)
2) Super backache till now I'm having "balls of unwanted air" at my back. Thus, making me feel like a pregnant lady. Walk like one, squat like one, sit like one and stand like one. Boohoo!
3) Major headache at night which than cause major nausea.


But besides the busy studying period, I managed to attend an interview for my future.
Seems like I'll be working straight after the exams are over.

And the best news of all the week,

Dilah's out of ICU!!!! Alhamdullilah. Told ya, she's a very strong girl.
*beams* *beams*


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