Thursday, July 27, 2006

Probably it's a routine.

Mixed feelings here. I don't know if I should be shocked, surprised or hatered. Haha! Oh well....
I actually wanted to post something last night, but like no mood. So here it goes.

Yesterday, I saw this hot body of an unknown individual. Gosh! He was like half naked la along the corridor. Those guys with hot bod, or u think u have a hot bod, please be half naked while walking along the corridor. So people like me who accidentaly will turn their head gazing at the HDB flats while waiting for the FOREVER slow buses will have a little runway show..
I so wanted to scream my lungs out. Gosh! ShinyTan(i think the sweat effect) chested guy was damn hot la! aku macam nak naik tangga flat tu dan merasai badannyer yang sugguh tegap dan WOW!
Grrrrr! Haha!
Ok enuff!

Same old shiets nothing new happen to ma BORING life. Eh, but not that boring la..
The passion for reading is getting to me. When ever a book was read, it cuts me from reality from my life. It's just so cool to imagine that you are the people in the book who's walking around aimlessly looking at the other people(main chac) doing stupid stuff like throwing a cocount off London Bridge.
Since I'm having like pre-holidays all I do is Sleep, Eat, Read and Tutoring. The last two is healithy. But alamak, the endless sleep and eating is really irritating can. Sleep too much I think will create more blacker(HAHA! blacker!) circles around your eyes and eating too much is making a pants not worth staying in my wadrobe. Gosh! No more "Little Miss Nisa". Now it's "Super Huge Miss Nisa". Oh yeah! Haha!

Why am I so bothered? I think I do need to implement rules for the 'Club' Pen.
To my little cousins who are reading this, miss you all can. Should have told me earlier you guys coming than can make myslef free(macam busy sangat la tu.). Hehe.
Movie outing soon kae.
*Kiss* *Kiss*

The warmth of a super hot body................. Biler nak dapat ni??????!!!! (=


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