Weekend + Randomness
I was seriously trying to update on weekends yesterday la. Then the office computer just don't want to cooperate with moi..My weekend was damn tiring, rushing, PMSy and fun all at the same time.
Since Miss Fana's birthday is coming right up, we decided to give her a surprise on the blissful Sunday.

Sally has no neck.
Kwang kwang kwang!
I'll post the other pictures soon once I have the time to make them nice-nice. (=
Oh!! And when we return to Madrasah, we found a suspicious bag.
And it has her name in it as well as the dress...
For the mean time, work has been not bad so far. Only yesterday was a killer.
I hate being sick(blocked nose and 'rough' throat) while has to make more than 30 calls.
Gosh! But so far, so good.....
And I hate PMSy. Argh! Nak datang, datang ajer la...... Booooohoooo.
And it doesn't help when the boyfriend's too busy to pamper you... Booohoooo *1,000,000
I'm still waiting for the rest to come so I can do something.
Okay, ciaos!
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