ADMI (+) I have a new boyfriend
What a weekend!After ages of not even saying a single word to each other, we finally got contacted. (=
In conclusion, I like it better this way.
I shall not begin to talk about Saturday night.
I have a new love. Wanna know abot Him? Here goes.
He's like the most sweetest guy that ever walked planet Earth. He has everything that I always wished for. Dars, if you are reading this I wanna you to know that you'r the best thing that have ever happen to me. I'm so happy that we met each other.
Anyways, more about him. He has this smile that can really- WOW! He has this hand that makes you feel so comfotable. Whenever he talks, he says nothing but pleasant. The greatest thing about him is that he has this scent that ahhhh..... And guess what, he's Dark! I loooorve many-many can. I wanna put his picture here, but I don't really have a good shot of him-YET!
I really feel complete now. He's all that I want now. He's my everything and my only one. Love you lots, Dars. xoxoxo
He is ...
Ahmad Nur Syahiranfikri Bin Ahmad Lokman,
The Invisible Boyfriend. (=

I'm not desperate neither am I insane. I just have a new boyfriend! *bluek*
hei hei...
ur board gt prob? cannot load msg sia. or isit my com problem...
anyway, congrats.
everytime cum dun knw wat to sae...
waiting 4 nice nice pic to b up wo.
bye bye.
By Evonne
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