Just another creative thought.
Sometimes, I hate someone so much that I feel like killing them with my bare hands. Strangle them in their bed and start chopping them into pieces. Then I'll bring my minced meat machine and start mincing there, every single chopped body part. Then I shall pack all the minced body parts into the clear plastic bag and place them in the box. I will then store the box in my dad's car and will drive the car to the Singapore River. There, I will take out the box and bring it near the bank of Singapore River. I will read some prayer and pray that the soul will be safe. I will take out the packets of minced meat from the box and lay them nicely in a row. I will take like 10 steps diagonally away from the line of plastics. Stand in position, mark my target and I will do a sprint and start kicking every single packet into the river leaving no packet. I will scream "I HATE YOU, SWEET TONGUE JACKASS!" as I kick every single shit into the Singapore River. After every single packet is gone, I take the empty box and deposit them in the nearest dustbin. Compose myself, and get back to the car and drive off. Leaving every hurtful pain, leaving every memory, leaving every used-to be happiness all behind me- in the river. Let it flow away from me and please let it be far far far away from me and please don't come back anywhere near me. I trusted and believed you so much that I was cheated and blinded with all the sweet promises. I hate you and thanks, that's what I needed from you. I really felt, feel, feeling cheated. I just hope the police won't find me because I didn't clean up after the killing and I left the box which is full of my fingerprints at the crime scene. If they do, I'll get a free stay and free food for the next 23 years or probably I will join that jackass in Hell too. Oh damn! See him again? Please forbide that.Oh! I didn't realise I just typed one paragraph of anger and hatered.
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