This is all I can afford to update.

I know. This is the B.E.A.uuuuu.Tiful me.
You rock
a small part of my world!
Liar! Liar! Pants on fire.
Probably it's a routine.
Mixed feelings here. I don't know if I should be shocked, surprised or hatered. Haha! Oh well....
I actually wanted to post something last night, but like no mood. So here it goes.
Yesterday, I saw this hot body of an unknown individual. Gosh! He was like half naked la along the corridor. Those guys with hot bod, or u think u have a hot bod, please be half naked while walking along the corridor. So people like me who accidentaly will turn their head gazing at the HDB flats while waiting for the FOREVER slow buses will have a little runway show..
I so wanted to scream my lungs out. Gosh! ShinyTan(i think the sweat effect) chested guy was damn hot la!
aku macam nak naik tangga flat tu dan merasai badannyer yang sugguh tegap dan WOW!*Drools**Drools*
Grrrrr! Haha!
Ok enuff!
Same old shiets nothing new happen to ma BORING life. Eh, but not that boring la..
The passion for reading is getting to me. When ever a book was read, it cuts me from reality from my life. It's just so cool to imagine that you are the people in the book who's walking around aimlessly looking at the other people(main chac) doing stupid stuff like throwing a cocount off London Bridge.
Since I'm having like pre-holidays all I do is Sleep, Eat, Read and Tutoring. The last two is healithy. But alamak, the endless sleep and eating is really irritating can. Sleep too much I think will create more blacker(HAHA! blacker!) circles around your eyes and eating too much is making a pants not worth staying in my wadrobe. Gosh! No more "Little Miss Nisa". Now it's "Super Huge Miss Nisa". Oh yeah! Haha!
Why am I so bothered? I think I do need to implement rules for the 'Club' Pen.
To my little cousins who are reading this, miss you all can. Should have told me earlier you guys coming than can make myslef free(macam busy sangat la tu.). Hehe.
Movie outing soon kae.
*Kiss* *Kiss*
The warmth of a super hot body................. Biler nak dapat ni??????!!!! (=
Goreng Pisang
Wish upon the star that a Goreng Pisang stall will be opening under my house soon.
What's the suitable tittle for this?
My grandma was asking if I were friends with a cousin who's of the same age as me. Ooooookay.
Wassup with that lah?
I just got to know that I was right about the whole thing. Had to take time off alot just because of it, and it was a great night out. Was thinking about everything. But I realised at the end of the day that all I needed was to tell someone close to me about it. You have been great!
I guess, I always liked someone who's beyond my reach, way beyond my reach. (awwww...)
Had been talking and not thinking so much(well, except for that one night). So, life has been a little fair for me. Kain songket the choice for raya. So the feeling marriage can. Oh! Me and marriage. Pls excuse me.
Miss GuyMagnet
Miss InLove
Miss RelaxOneCorner
Miss HaveBeenMissed
Having the Premilinary Holidays now. Gonna work my ass off and have a holiday during my birthday. My Birthday!! Do you guys remember when's my birthday? 23 November 2006 la Babe! That's like 4 more months. Started saving yet? You should.....
CrookyKirk, I love you man! all the mystery.......
Sometime I wish people will stop running away from me. I scare people la!
Now I know what's the suitable tittle for this, "Random-ness"
"Tomorrow problem, I settle tomorrow!"
Read this post as fast as you could!!Okay, now we can know if we gonna have problem the next day? Was walking home from tuitoring when I heard someone yelling that phrase loud and clear behind me.
Wouldn't be awesome if we can "advance-ly" knows that we gonna have a problem the next day. I wonder what I'll do if I'm gonna have a problem tomorrow. Probably I'll start up all night brainstorming the ways I gonna overcome them. Then the next I would just work my plan that I planned yesterday night. So, during the day I'll be busy dealing with my problem and just forgetting everything else around me. Okay, if there's "tomorrow problem", then when does "today problem" comes in?? Gosh! I'll be so packed thinking of tomorrow's problem that I'll let my "today problem" continues to "tomorrow problem".
Am I confusing you? Ya, I'm confused too.
I neeeeeddd.............................................. something. NEED something.
It has been 2 weeks.
Finally the busyness had cool down.
There's this thing that's really bugging me till now. If someone tells you this, "But I still want us to keep in touch can," what does that really means? I'm confuse cos now, it's nothing near "keeping in touch".
To whom this may concern, please get back to me. I believe u still have my contact number, I hope. I need a little more explanation.
If you think I'm too demanding, sorry.
I'm just curious la member.....
Nice round black eyes. I 'like' very the much la. (=
And the Tag Board sads me.
All I can say is, One Happy Face Coming Up!
Salam Takziah to Sally.
I'm not angry, just upset.
I miss the smile I had when you were around.I miss the warmth of your touch. I miss you. And now it all ended...........andAll I can do is cry.
Our newly member.
I would like to welcome Dillah to the club. Enjoy your stay ya and rock on! \/ \/
Smiley-smiley always darling. (=
gonna chiong all the day for a 100page report by tomorrow. free lunching-cum-gf-gathering-session tomorrow. very super tired body. pissed off at the same time. irritated as well. but still doing fine.
ok bye.
read the zizou news. well, i still love your head. (=
and eating Secret Recipe @ JB is worth it la sial! haha freaking cheap can.......... u get main dish and even the cake at 15 sing dollars. i'm very happy person.
I need to Indulge.
Seriously, anyone wanna come with me to have an eating session? Msged me asap.
Fruitfull weekends- Wish I had the head of Zidane.
Went for a lil shopping trip on Saturday.
Went to catch
Sis's performance @ Sentosa.
and the best part was... I went to to spend the boring morning checking out what's in there. All I can say, 2 out of a million are worth looking at.
Haha. Sicko!
Okay, all of you know I have something with English. Is either I can't spell the word or I don't know what's the meaning-MAJOR. Yesterday I just found out the difference betweeen mutton and beef. Haha! I finally can taste the difference because I take note which is which. As a meat lover, all the meat taste the same except for chicken(Don't really like them though.) So, now I'm proud to say I love Beef or in Malay Daging Lembu. Yey!
Finally, said things I need to say. Went for kendarating @
Tini's friends, cousin's wedding. Met the unexpected. Of all places and of all time. Shocked till I can feel my heart was at my throat. But the rest was okay.
Caught the finals! I SOOOO LIKE can. Told ya Italy gonna win thru penalty shoot out. And Zidane....... What else I can say. I was cheering went you were sent out. Curiosity though, what were the words said huh. Should be very intense huh.
Wish I have the head of Zidane. Wouldn't it be lovely if I can just do a heading to someone's chest. Wow! That's be the ultimate coolness la.
Zidane, can I please borrow your head? Please, pretty please................. (=
Fruit for thought: What if you loved someone so much, but he/she loves someone else?
I choose not to care anymore.
Who you talk to?
Who you confide to?
What are you thinking about?
How are you?
I choose not to care anymore.
Let's be friends.
Let's take things slow.
Let's just accept the fact.
Let's just don't rush into things.
I choose not to care anymore.
My love just died, 1 month & 3 weeks ago.
Too broken and hurt, 1 month & 3 weeks ago.
And it continues to bleed, now.
Going for another relationship?
I choose not to care anymore.I pray for your health and happiness,
you and
Please excuse me, I need to have a crying session.
It's just a Dream.
Had this dream. Hahaha!! Very the interesting dream.......
Do dreams come true?? Tell me they do.
Sadness. 1st Brazil then England than Germany than Portugal. haix..... Sadness la!
My assumption for Fifa World Cup Champ: Italy(penalty goal: 3-2)
i can't finish my FYP. ARRRRGHHHHHH!!
i wanna cry.
thanks for the call. it was really a great timing. i really wanted to cry, but i didn't cos of the call.
Now I realised I'm dumb and dumped.
Okay, I know I'm slow to realise all this la.
Mini-bites information.
- Every single moment spent, another soul was thought of.
- Falling for some other soul but refuses to admit it.
- The heart has changes it's course.
- MY pain is still there, killing me.
- No more love for you.
- Missing someone who went missing for a week.
- Ubin trip cancel.
- Penniless.
- So far from finishing the FYP.
Partying? Nothing to celebrate.