The Encounter
I guess it's time I share this encounter.One nice, beautiful night, I came home from tutoring feeling a little tired and sleepy. As what I'll always do when I got home from tutoring at 10.15pm, i'll go straight to the bathroom after putting placing all my items in the room.
Like always, I'm not a favour of lights and bright places. And so, I didn't bother to switch on my kitchen lights to walk to the bathroom(dim lights there). As the composed and confident lady, I walked happily while screaming to my sister as I enter the bathroom. Not taking note of anything in the kitchen.
Had a great shower, wrapped myself with the not-so-soft-comforting towel and bravely got out of the toilet. For those who have not been to my kitchen or don't remeber how my kitchen looks like, here's a little description. It's divided into two with the sliding door as the partition. And so, I crossed over that partition that separates the cooking area and the dining area.
Left foot first, then the right, then an "eeeek!". Soft, scally and small. It was under my foot, more of crossing my path! It took me 1 min to figure out what could have made that sound and what could be soooooft, scallly and small doing in the dark kitchen passing by my path at 10.30pm with no other places to move but right under my feet with the huge surface area of the kitchen floor but it still chooses to crawl under my huge(size 6-7) foot! Then it struck me, "GOSH! I JUST STEPPED ON A F***ING LIZARD and it made a sound!" I ran to the hall and start jumping around while trying to catch my breathe so that I can tell my curious sister and laughing mum what happen.
Learnt my lesson for that night, everytime I had to enter the kitchen the lights must always be on. (only that night la.) Looked around the kitchen and saw nothing. So I was relieved!
Next morning. "Kak, you ARE a murderer(Unfaithful came to mind.)! " Apparently, my mum found the tail of that lizard on the floor covered with a group of hungry ants. Eeeeewwwww.....
I think it's me la... That night, the lizards were as though were against me. I saw one appeared behind the counter, then another appear, then another. Total 3 lizards on the same wall! But still, I remain calm.
It wasn't my fault! It crawled under my feet, of all places, MY FEET! my fault meh? Ewww...........
Went to Johor. I wish I was a rich daughter. And every department store has job vacancy. Thanks!
Tokyo Drift was pure uber coolness.
Click! soooooon.....................
Happy National Days!

Aku nak step Nicole la siol!!

Does this resemble McCafe at WCP? I hope so.

Accompanied by this thingy that provides songs for the outside McCafe-ians. Sell this and get yourself the PSP. Trust me.

And guess who decided to come down to the West Area and spent the National Day here? None other than Mr F. Orange sooo compliments your skin tone and so those green. Konon handsome la tu! Hmpfh! Can I borrow the top puhlease. Thanks!
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