Super overdue pictures.
The Eve of 23 November

I was asleep when the surpirse gang 01 came.

The surprise gang 01 and my daisy!
Next year I want sunflower ohkay!

I'm a happy person.
Alamak, that person sebokkkk ajer!

Gembira rasa hati, bila dapat present.
Tiap tahun, aku dapat present.
Alhamdullilah! (=
And thanks MAD babes!

The surprise gang 02.
Thanks for the prezzies biatches!

Thai food galore!

Finally! We are together..........
The Fabulous 5
The Birthday Itself

My second birthday cake.
Happy-Happy Nisa.

Thanks guys for the cake. Loved it!
And the rest of the day, I was in the library doing my part for the project. Did I mention, I was all alloooone? I don't like this birthay, cos I didn't spent it with my love ones.
But the eve was great, nontheless!
Love you guys lots and lots and lots.
I love
you the most! Thanks for putting the effort and time for having all the best people around me.

A short story.
We started off as strangers
and I hated you so much;
Then, we went on dates
and that made me feel fine.
Eventually, we got togteher
but we were on different frequencies;
One day, we did leave each other
thinking that we were not meant to be.
After some time, we came back as one
it was very difficult for the both of us;
And now, 5 months later, we are here
thanking God and each other for this second chance.

.13 Months.
My famous, "Maner ader!" aka "Where got!" retard face!
We just looooorve quarelling and getting pissed at each other. That's the way we show affection, actually only me la. kwang kwang kwang!
Dia yang mamak, aku yang suka drama.
The bold and beautiful
Cam whoring moment!
I have alot to blog!
But I'm tired and exhausted.
Oh yah, and I look damn ugly la.
So, I don't think I'll going out of the house anytime soon.
MC for the whole week?
Shall consider it......
I'm in loveeee....
My past weekends rocks like no other. (=
Friday 171106Headed to
Port Dickson, Malaysia and skipped the IS classes. The company was marvellous.
Mr F,
Firdhaus and the newest friend of mine,
Fizsa(by the way, she's Hindustani and she's damn beautiful!).
Met the most interesting person in my life,
Abang Rashid. He's such an eye opener.
The rest of the night was spent in a very cosy house with full of
kecoh-ness. I lorrve the family there.
Okay, I know you guys will go stoopid here... So here's a summary of who they are la eh.
Mr F's cousins are staying at PD. They wanted so much for us to come and visit them, so we planned a last minute plan to just drive there. I
Had my first birthday song and birthday cake that night. It was such a splendid surprise! Never came across my mind, the family would be family. (=
Time for bed was freaking cos we heard a loud crying sound which was followed by a dog barking. Haha! Scary la,
mambangSaturday & Sunday 181106-191106Drove back to
Johore Bahru for the second part of our weekend gateaway. Wasn't a welcomimg welcome but the time spent there was priceless.
Got high(seriously high as it involves lots of vomits.) on Sheesha. Damn stoopid sia, Nisa! The Sheesha there cost RM10 each.
Aper lagi, sorang satu arh......! The car got scratched & dented, damn bad!
And guess what, 2 more days till I turn Nineteen.
And I'm going off to PD(again!) this weekends. Waduh-waduh!
MALAYSIA BOLEH! (ok, stooopid).
Pictures will be uploaded soon, once I get them.
To whom this may concern,
I know it turned very sour between us, I'm sorry.
It was my fault, without questions asked.
But hey, hate me.. Not the rest of them.
Yours truly,
Dearest sweetheart,
The day when you said, "If I could love someone for the rest of life, it will be her", was the day that I truly see the sincerety in your eyes.
The day when you said that you'll always be there for me, was the day I realised how true your love is.
The day when you held my hand close to your heart, was the day I came to realised that our heart beat as one. The day when you kissed my forehead, was the day that I sealed my heart with your name inside.
And up till this day, the person I'll always love is You and just like You, if I could love someone for the rest of life, I will choose You.
Sealed with warm *hugs* and *kisses*,
Hate that JERK!
The weekends!

The Madrasah gang. The "lively-cum-noisy" people MIA.
But it turned out okay la....
here! for more B.E.A.U.tiful picture of Moi.
Macam real.
Courtesy of Haya.
SundayAnother Raya Outing with
Mr F and gang.
Still waiting for the pictures.
MondayThe bluest Monday ever! It was such a drag to attend school. And so, skipping the afternoon classes was the best thing I've ever did this whole year! (=
Thanks to all these outings, I'm now looking MORE of a panda than usual.
What's worse, it's hurts!! Bleagh.....
One more Raya Outing to go, and I'M DONE!
Can't wait!!!

Thanks for being such a great spot, Ma.
Will you?
Last night was one of the nights that I wished it would never end.
Catched this show. The Covenant.

Hot guys. Cool Dudes. Nice bods. Black eyes.
Vampires and very powerful.
And the soundtrack is amazing.
Love it!
Will you love me tomorrow as much as you love me today?
Latest Update (=
My hair has grown!
Now, it looks longer..... (=

Haha! Retard eyes! Oh whatever~
It's the hair I'm talking about..... No more short hair, aite.
For now at least.
Truth told.

At this point of time, I'm suppose to be digging in lots of fabulos food from the Aunt's house. Unfortunately the brada fell VERY sick. Therefore, here I am typing this entry while the sista browsing thru the IKEA catalogue trying to find how much does a bean bag cushion cost.
Think the dad's having his monthly mood swing(macam pompan!).
Oky, Okay. Boring!
Last nite went out for
sheeshaing session with
Mr F.
Talk and Talk.
Talk and Talk.
Walk and Walk.
Eat and Drink.
I'm feeling the
love, baby.

This is one of the school days that I feel very content with life.
Morning school rush with beloved
2 hours of hangman-during-lecture-in-the-morning with beloved
KFC lunching and catching up session with the greatest
Evonne & beloved
Candy. (finally~)
A good 45mins alone time with
Sally(on the phone) in the toilet while letting everything inside me out. (=
If you know what I mean.I missed her like crazzzzie!
Great bonding session with the new classmates.
A short Mobile Wireless Security(MWS) practical class.
The first time(ever!) having meaningful conversation with
Miss Haya. You'll do just fine, babe!
Cool it off with
you. and I wore the top
you bought for moi!
Talked about my birthday party *ehem* *ehem*. HAHA!
I lorve today.
I miss
you. Do come and see me soon, ya.