Weekend + Randomness
I was seriously trying to update on weekends yesterday la. Then the office computer just don't want to cooperate with moi..
My weekend was damn tiring, rushing, PMSy and fun all at the same time.
Miss Fana's birthday is coming right up, we decided to give her a surprise on the blissful Sunday.

Soon-to-be-birthday-LADY and
Fab5 version of "Hot Bods" birthday card. (=
Sally has no neck.
Kwang kwang kwang!
I'll post the other pictures soon once I have the time to make them nice-nice. (=
Oh!! And when we return to Madrasah, we found a suspicious bag.
And it has her name in it as well as the dress...
For the mean time, work has been not bad so far. Only yesterday was a killer.
I hate being sick(blocked nose and 'rough' throat) while has to make more than 30 calls.
Gosh! But so far, so good.....
And I hate PMSy. Argh!
Nak datang, datang ajer la...... Booooohoooo.
And it doesn't help when the boyfriend's too busy to pamper you... Booohoooo *1,000,000
I'm still waiting for the rest to come so I can do something.
Okay, ciaos!
Preview of Grad Outfit....

I need a bag and we'll get your shirt soon...
Back-to-back Shopping Trips
The family and I had a back-to-back shopping trip, thanks to the
Have I mentioned that I love
Mustafa Centre? That mall rocks my smelly, colorful socks! We spent 3 hours there and I couldn't ask for more.
Bought lots of stuff plus the brand new flat screen teevee for the living room. (= (=
No more missed-colors screen, if you know what I mean.
Before the
Mustafa Centre met the
Ma. Watched "The Ghost Rider". I almost fell asleep, twice, while watching it. It was good but I just don't know.. Maybe it had not much excitement. The fire effects looked to fake for my liking. Well, at least she kept me awake. (=

After the movie, we headed to
Singapore Art Museum(SAM) for his assignment stuff together with classmate,
Fai. Then we headed to
Bugis to meet his other friends and to wait for my parents to pick me up. (=
Okay. Saturday was even better!
Cos it was another
Jaybee Shopping Trip. Yet again, bought lots of stuff, thanks to the
(Pictos all here)I hate it when you're away from me cos then I'll miss you and I hate missing you.p/s: I'm gonna change this template, soon.

The end of the last paper, is the mark of this year Valentine's. (=
Click on the rose to view pictures of happy ME! (= (=
Hopefully, I'll officially graduate cos I wanna leave Ngee Ann Poly so badly.
Wondering what can I tell you about life at Ngee Ann. Shall do it, for the next entry aite....
Have a great holiday people....
Sorry, I meant happy studying and mugging and have fun doing your attachment. (=
Okay, mean!
But, have a good year sweethearts.
FAB5 Surprise v2!
FanahanaOccasion: (Fana+Yat)'s 2nd year Anniversary

FAB5 Surprise v2!
3 more to go!!!!!
What happens?
Currently, examination fever is hitting hard on me. Had done nothing else but mugging the endless chapters of the ever-so-boring Mobile Computing Modules. I had to work extra hard on the two core modules cos I failed both papers for the Common Test. So, if I were to flunk this time round, GOODBYE graduation on May 2007.
Therefore, the stress level went 5 levels up.
FYI, my health status is never great. It's actually very poor.
Therefore, the result of the high stress level...
1) Had my period for the 2nd time within 3 weeks. (meaning that the 1st period only stooped for 5 days.)
2) Super backache till now I'm having "balls of unwanted air" at my back. Thus, making me feel like a pregnant lady. Walk like one, squat like one, sit like one and stand like one. Boohoo!
3) Major headache at night which than cause major nausea.
But besides the busy studying period, I managed to attend an interview for my future.
Seems like I'll be working straight after the exams are over.
And the best news of all the week,
Dilah's out of ICU!!!!
Alhamdullilah. Told ya, she's a very strong girl.
*beams* *beams*
Be strong...
That's what I call fate.
One day you are up and running, the next you are just gone.
All my prayers for you, darling.
Please be strong cos we all know you are. And whatever happens, we'll be there for you.
Please pray for the best for my dearest
So, this is how it feels.
I've made a mistake and now it's time to pay.
So, this is how it feels without you around me.
I'm truly sorry.
Please come back, I'm getting helpless without you.
Love you much,
Mr F.
Due to the last minute work for an assignment, I stayed up late the whole day. Thanks godness I was feeling much better that I could pay 100% attention to the assignmnet. It has been a long time since I wrote essays. Like so fun can!
Thought I could stayed up the whole morning so that I won't be late for submission. As usual, I am never a morning person. Boooohooo! So I was late for the assignmnet submission but thankfully the rest of the documents were still not collected by the lecture. Phew~ Close call.
And so my day started.
Planned to start my revision at Bugis Library but thanks to
pendek I was indecisive. But at the end of the day,
abok pon takder...... So I took the bus to town but instead walked to Bugis Library not to study but just browsing some cook books.
Thanks to the cook books, I become very hungry. But I wanted to start my revison as planned. So, planned to go to BK Little India as it's not packed la buuutttt.......! It's damn close la. That one still okay. But the walk from Library to Little India, wah! Very the depressing can. What was more depressing is I am ALONE!
I am a LONER but today loneliness, was different. Haix. Kwang Kwang Kwang.
Ate alone at my favourite Thosai place. Have I mentioned I love Thosai?
This came to mind while I was having mt late lunch, "My boyfriend's an Indian but we never had the chance to eat Indian food at the Indian Place aka Serangoon." How ironic~
Then another decision that I kinda off regreted not sticking to my gut feeling.
Well people, this just another random entry.
Nothing interesting for now. (=
The Reasons Are...
3 Reasons for
Abandoning this blog.
1) Have been being a sicko for the past few weeks.
2) Assignments period is up! and soon it'll end.
3) Abandoning process will continue for a while longer due to exams. I really want to GRADUATE in 2 weeks time.
Love all you guys lots!

*Group Hug!!*