What do you think?
1) Instead of flying on a broom, witches would fly in a space shuttle.
2) Instead of looking up a book of spells, witches would check their computers for the latest spells.
3) Instead of drinking horrible soup, witches would drink tomato juice.
4) Instead of wearing hats, witches would wear caps.
5) Instead of wearing black clothes, witches would wear colorful clothes.
6) Instead of having black cats as pets, witches would have black dogs.
7) Instead of making spells using a cauldron, witches would use a cooking pot.
Has it gone too far?
What can I say anymore? I think it has gone too far. We shouldn't have done what we have. I think it's time to let it loose. I don't wanna take it as it's more than that. It's just *sobbing*.
Being a promoter
I think I rather do work for 10 hours then doing nothing at all. What a bad job to be in. This will be the first and the last.
Tulah, nak try something different rite... Haha! Have fun, Nisa.
Okay... whatever. It just totally sucks bigga time.
And so.
After soo much off cancelling the lepakings session with the MAD biatches, we finally got togther- outside madrasah. Wished that I could have came earlier and I could have stayed longer.
Ramen Ten is expensive. But I love their Bento.
I realised that I can never get so much drama from NP. I'll rather be in NYP, so that I would be involve. I can have the first-hand of childishness and
minah living in denial series. Pathetic!
Can we have another outing before
puasa. Promise I won't leave early again. Puhleaseeeeeeee..............
I should have been somewhere else rather than there.
Thanks for wasting my time, Moron!
Let's just set things straight.
I know the tag board seems so war-ish. It's between you guys okay. Some tip, don't use vulgairties when you don't wanna people to use them against you. It's just not nice. If you're unhappy try not to use names. Example, Loser. Ishk!Ishk!Ishk! It's just not nice, my
And like you say, it's over. Get over it.
I only wanna typed that particular post to let out my emotions, feelings and thoughts. And I did all this in
MY BLOG. You have the privillage to read anything here. You are free to leave your comments in my tagboard and you are free to continue "war-ing". It doesn't matter to me.
But c'mon get over it!
Move on!
Carry on with life!
Had a great day today. Thanks alot...
Okay, I think it's enough.
That will be all. If the post did hurt some party, thousand apologies. Therefore, you should stop reading this blog cos I'm gonna type anything I want and you'll have no comment about it.
Okay, so I spent my weekend at Malacca @ Alor Gajah. Another cousin getting engage.
Rode the bike back at Kampong. My sis so brutal can! Haha.
Siti's finally becomes the wife to Datok K.
Got myself a job.
And can't wait for this coming weekend. (=

Kak Farra and the Nor Rizans. (=
Pre-caution: This goona be a long entry. And it is only for this one particular person. I had enough of playing games and I'm using this blog to let everything out because I can't get through to him. Read if you wanna read, don't if you don't wanna.
There was once when I was going through a whole pile of shiet. When everything just went downhill and straight to the drains. Well, I guess most of you know which part of my life I'm talking about, rite? Ok cool.
With all the bad emotions I was going through, there was great friends who stood beside me and just holding my hand and giving great support. And to them all, I wanna express my greatest thanks and a suppper huuge bear hugs!
There was this cousin of mine who decided to talk. What's amazing about it is that we never spoke to each other. The last time we spoke was like when we were kiddies. And so, we talked and somehow I enjoyed his company. That's all that we did, talked. I took him as a cousin, not even a friend.
We went out. Quite a number of time, and still I took and always kept in mind that he's a cousin and there's boundaries. He had been a great listener and great to crap to. So, basically I enjoyed his company. I really did, no question asked.
He was there when I needed him and he was always ready to spend time either talking or meeting me without much question asked. I liked the attention given and so I took him as a friend rather than a cousin. We became great friends. We could chat about anything under the sun.
Then this weird feeling came. I realised I had a crush on him. Oh well, he has all the things I've mentioned about the groom thingy, if you know what I mean. But still, I know the boundaries and
HELL NO, we ever going to go for another futher step.
Then one day, I didn't know what happen. We were having fun and he was being bubbly. But there's this one day... Things was just different. I could feel it. He seems very weird. Very weird. And I wonder what's wrong.
He wasn't caring anymore. He wasn't there anymore. He wasn't he I thought he was. He turned to be someone else. I questioned myself did I do something wrong that he became like this? I questioned myself, and the smiles I had for that one week changes to questions and endless questions. Questions without answers.
2 occasions I dreamt about him. I told my sister about it, and upon hearing the 2nd dream, I think she couldn't handle it anymore. She began her word of vomit. She told me everything that she and him had smsed each other about. I was shocked to hear all he had said to her. And I was even disappointed that he thinks of me that way.
I tried to keep quiet about it cos I don't wanna makes things weird between us, cos we are still related no matter what. But I just couldn't. I confronted him thru sms, cos he won't answer my calls. I just needed to get it of my system and carry on with life.
He replied my sms with, "...... But I still want us to keep in contact." I was so ready to forget about that shiet, when he messaged that, I still thought he meant well. How niave I was. I don't know what he meant by that cos we didn't even contact each other. I tried, but I got a neagtive replied to every sms.
One day, his MSN nick was "BUZZ OFF and MOVE ON!" I felt it. I felt it so hard.. I know it was for me. I asked him, who's that nick for.... and he got the cheek to says, "It's for me!" (means, for himself). How could he lied to me straight at my face. Then, I decided to take it and so I did, BUZZ OFF!.
Then, I got to know he blocked me from MSN. HAH! And what did you say when I asked, "how come I don't see you online anymore?". He said this, "It has been a long time since I logged in." You want to lie to me? God is Almighty! You want to lie to me?????
You mentioned you're not ready to commit because you are busy with your family and friends. But you ARE finding yourselves a girlfriend, rite at this moment. WOW! Contradicting? I guess so.
You ate at Fish & Co. with your guy friends to celebrate a birthday? HAH!
Your last movie was MI3?! HAH!
And you talk about honesty. Well, you're showing alot of honestly down here, aren't you?
What you tell other people I don't bloody care. But why you just can't answer my simple questions? Why can't you just come clean with me?
Don't get angry with me cos I posted this on my blog, but I tried the nicer way. You just shut me off. I asked you nicely, you just shut me off.
All I needed from you was to be my friend, not my boyfriend. You're my cousin for godness sake! Even though I had a crush on you, you are my cousin sei. I wouldn't be dumb enough to get involve with ya.
It's just hilarious how you play this game. Very hilarious.
So, what are you?
Whatever you are, come clean with yourselves.
Wipe me out, cos I
love the way we were before.
Not talking to each other, not even looking at each other, not even acknowledging each other, not even bothered with each other.
I think we were better off like that.
But hey, thanks to ya.... Now I know people who are so nice can still be evil deep inside.
"Dah lama tak online" eh? Kenape tak cakap ajer, I block you arh! You are too scary to talk too.
Ok, I'm done here.
Do I smoke?
I usually got this question. And sometimes I wish I could say, "Yes, I do." haha! not because I find being a smoker is cool or anything like that because of the situation I'm in which makes me no difference with a smoker.
This is what I mean.
Most of the people I meet up are smokers. Often, in that group it'll be 3:1(smokers:non-smokers). And it's always been a huge number against a small number. Well, there's still 2 group of people who none of us smoke. Well, that's great. But we only like meet once in awhile, therefore it's not counted. And so, it makes me a 2nd hand smoker(fine, most of you guys too... but it's my blog so I'm only gonna talk about ME! (: ) What's the dfference between 2nd hand and 1st hand? They still take in the smelly, sometimes unbearable smoke.
Hah! Now after trying that whole shiet, I don't know what's the purpose of this post and how to end it. HAHA!
Dah la, I don't wanna think anymore.
I have this big story to write... but I don't know if I should do it now or keep it for later. Kesian pun ader, bingit pun ader.
Hope you are reading this, cos I'm sooo gonna write something about you. And I hope it's soon.
Eat my dust!
Selling off.

Sony DVD WalkmanFeatures:
7" Widescreen LCD
Unique slim one piece design
Built in Lithium-ion Battery (3 hours battery life)
Multi-Format Compatibility ( DVD-R/R DL/RW, DVD+R/R DL/RW, Jpeg CD's, MP3 CD'S, CD-R/RW)
High power speaker/charging cradle
Selectable Video In/Out (able to connect external video sources)
Twin headphone jacks
Wireless Remote
Kick Stand and ergonomic grip
For more information check it out
hereRetail price: S$399
Selling off at: S$350
Interested? Please IM me @
Love ya All!
A forwarded email.
I don't usually post this kind of email. But I just feel like posting it this time.
Read each word, and you'll know why.
Which baby are you?
Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the greatest men are born in this month.
If you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind.Oh well... What more can I say, rite. HAHA!
Tell me it's not true! HAHA!
A love that Breaks All Relationship

Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna
Shah Rukh Khan.Priety Zinta.Abhishek Bachchan.Rani Mukherji.Amitabh Bachchan. Kirrorn Kier
The usual expected ending, but it was great. Not another typical love triangle, at last! It involves marriage. How sad to know that you
might find your soulmate only after your marriage. Oh well, that'll be another story.
Here, all I could say is........... Watch the show.
I guess love can come anytime, even when you are married to someone else. How interesting....
"The foundation of marriage is Love, nothing else." reallllieeeeee?
Dah Halal pun.....
Sunday comes and my favourite event for Sundays is Wedding. (=
Did the usual stuff like
kendarating and eat and eat and eat for the whole 6 hours. (=
Saw the guy that is
NICE to see. (= (=
Lovely, superb food. (= (= (=
Truck full of beautiful, noisy, irritating kids. hehe

The best man.

The flower girl.

The kid I'm in love with. So handsoooome can!

Kuzzins(missing the other 2 biatches!) We were planning OUR wedding. 7 of us plan to get married altogether and at once. 7 pelamins, 28 layered wedding cake. (=

And you guys are wondering where are the bride and groom? Here they are..... Cik Yan (uncle) and our brand new aunt, errmmmm. She's from arab family can! *envy*
Semoga Allah rahmati kalian dan semoga mahligai dibina everlasting hingga ke akhir zaman. Amin.

Well, what's a family related wedding without the 'crushed-2nd cousin' thing going on right? He's not cute or what la... Just have crush. haha! And I think he has a body! And he drives. Well, he's not dark but......... he has a body. I'm happy enough. (= (=
Neways, this is so call a stolen picture therefore the far distance.
p/s: beware of the future post. cos it won't be a nice post like this. you've been warned.
Hope you had nice day like mine. *hugs*
Some people arh, very the boiling of my blood can. It's like, here there's a chance but just hack care.
Fine la.. Wanna hack care, I'll hack care too...
Then, don't blame me for hacking care.
Azi's right, "Why hope?"!
The Encounter
I guess it's time I share this encounter.
One nice, beautiful night, I came home from tutoring feeling a little tired and sleepy. As what I'll always do when I got home from tutoring at 10.15pm, i'll go straight to the bathroom after putting placing all my items in the room.
Like always, I'm not a favour of lights and bright places. And so, I didn't bother to switch on my kitchen lights to walk to the bathroom(dim lights there). As the composed and confident lady, I walked happily while screaming to my sister as I enter the bathroom. Not taking note of anything in the kitchen.
Had a great shower, wrapped myself with the not-so-soft-comforting towel and bravely got out of the toilet. For those who have not been to my kitchen or don't remeber how my kitchen looks like, here's a little description. It's divided into two with the sliding door as the partition. And so, I crossed over that partition that separates the cooking area and the dining area.
Left foot first, then the right, then an "eeeek!". Soft, scally and small. It was under my foot, more of crossing my path! It took me 1 min to figure out what could have made that sound and what could be soooooft, scallly and small doing in the dark kitchen passing by my path at 10.30pm with no other places to move but right under my feet with the huge surface area of the kitchen floor but it still chooses to crawl under my huge(size 6-7) foot! Then it struck me, "GOSH! I JUST STEPPED ON A F***ING LIZARD and it made a sound!" I ran to the hall and start jumping around while trying to catch my breathe so that I can tell my curious sister and laughing mum what happen.
Learnt my lesson for that night, everytime I had to enter the kitchen the lights must always be on. (only that night la.) Looked around the kitchen and saw nothing. So I was relieved!
Next morning. "Kak, you ARE a murderer(Unfaithful came to mind.)! " Apparently, my mum found the tail of that lizard on the floor covered with a group of hungry ants. Eeeeewwwww.....
I think it's me la... That night, the lizards were as though were against me. I saw one appeared behind the counter, then another appear, then another. Total 3 lizards on the same wall! But still, I remain calm.
It wasn't my fault! It crawled under my feet, of all places, MY FEET! my fault meh? Ewww...........
Went to Johor. I wish I was a rich daughter. And every department store has job vacancy. Thanks!
Tokyo Drift was pure uber coolness.
Click! soooooon.....................
Happy National Days!

Aku nak step Nicole la siol!!

Does this resemble McCafe at WCP? I hope so.

Accompanied by this thingy that provides songs for the outside McCafe-ians. Sell this and get yourself the PSP. Trust me.

And guess who decided to come down to the West Area and spent the National Day here? None other than Mr F. Orange sooo compliments your skin tone and so those green. Konon handsome la tu! Hmpfh! Can I borrow the top puhlease. Thanks!
When I could have watched a movie for free I choose to stay home.
When I could have been out on a Saturday, I choose to stay home.
When I could have slept for 3 hours before sunset, I choose to sleep 5 minutes before sunset.
When I could have written a nice post for my blog, I choose to be lazy and don't bother.
Life is about choices.
When I could come up with the list of presents I want for this post, I choose.................
To POST IT, of course. What do you think, huh?
19th Birthday Presents List- Sony Ericsson Mobile
- Cannon Digital Camera
- Beautiful bag
- Puma Shoes
- Adiddas Slippers
- Triumph Bra
- The Gold Puma watch
- 19 purple rosess
- Elmo bedsheet
- Voucher for a cruise
- Money for a splendid holiday
- Queen Bed
It gets shorter and shorter every year. awwww.....
I mean, my list.

A friend of mine. Don't laugh about the retarded can. (=



Thanks to Ust.Taufiq for the free food. *burp*
Still awaits the photos by the girls.
Friday night was great! Love it to bits...........
Saturday was cool. Okay lah, not bad.
Sunday was very tiring. But still cool.