Kingdom of Royalty
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Watching Ahmad Albab. I looooooike!
I pity Them, sometimes.
This may sound contradicting but I do feel for them.The male species is actually a very kesian species you know. I think right when they were born, they have obligation that they can never run away from. It's like "Here's the term and regulation when you are brought to Earth. Do as what you are told" kind of thing. No matter how much they try to run away from them, this obligation will just pull them back to the root. And no matter how much they deny them, the obligation will always be there smiling at them and awaits for them to fullfill every single thing.
In my opinions, there'll come this age when their parents will talk about their responsibilites, their so-call rules from that age onwards(can't wait to hear them from my parents to my brother. i wonder how he will take it.) and stuff like. Some parents will even go to the extend to tell them that they have prepared them with a wife. That's even more scary! It's like as though the don't have enough on their hands, now they ALREADY have a wife prepared. WTH!
(After typing that paragraph, now I know why the guys are always thinking.)
That's one part of being a guy. The next I think, is their social life. More focusing on their oppostie sex relationship, boyfriend and girlfriend. That's when an interesting experience can either make them more troubled or make them happier. The female species have lesser responsibilites(Ok! I believe in "What Men can do, Women can do too." But c'mon think about it. Will anyone blame you first if your parents don't get to eat or don't have a place stay or didn't went to visit the doc when they are ill?) Therefore, the female species have lesser trouble and more time to spent for the BFs. But the thing is the Bfs can sometimes not be there when the Gfs want to spent their time with him. Because why, they have responsibilities. It's like they have not enough people to take care of back at home, they have to take care another soul outside of their house. Kesiankan.
But they can't use these obligation against the females. We are humans, as well. If you know you have lots of responsibilites, plan your time well. There's no such things as Impossible. God gave us brain to think. He provides us with many ways to solve a challenge. Find it, use it. Don't just give up on it and what? Find another GF and redo the cycle again? When will it end?
Sometimes, 24 hrs are not enough for us. Of course la, just count how many hours we spent sleeping and how many hours we spent enjoying. Add them thogether and count how many hours we spent doing something fruitfull(macam bagos ajer Nisa!)? Which is greater than which?
For the guys, we girls ARE aware of these obligations that you have. We can't do anything about it, you find the solutions.
For the ladies, we can either pity them and/or just leave them alone. I choose both, it'll be much less of a headache.
This post seems so formal. Well, I think this time I use some common sense that's left in me while typing. Kekeke.
If this post is one sided, sorry hor. I'm a lady(Chey!) after all. But I really feel for you guys man!Responsibilities, career,school, parents, household, bills, girlfriend, friends. Eh wait!! I wanna put all that in priority order.
- Friends
- Parents
- Responsibilites (ties with: Career and School)
- Bills
- Households
- Girlfriend (awwww! that's the real truth shit!)
I remember what one of my friend said, "Here's your terms and condition. Accept it, live it and swallow it!"
Good Day!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I think I can't handle this long distance relationship anymore. I tried calling you but you seems so busy that you can't even give me 5 mins. So, I think this is it. Don't worry, it's not me it's just You. Good Bye.
Monday, June 26, 2006
All about Today.
I'm not really a fan of Taufik Batisah but there's this picture of Taufik Batisah @ Manja which make him look so super hot. It's a black and white mini poster of him. So superly hotness. His eyes la! Ahhhhhh...................There's some few un-nice things/events that happened today.
- There's this someone who constantly checks his watch like every single 2 minutes. Kinda off lemas sei see him like that. Why arh? Nevermind, I know you don't have the answer to that question. Then, he also looks like he has alot of things in his mind. Aiyoh! Just remembering it already make me feel so uneasy. Why arh? I'm like thinking alot la if you keep on behaving like that. Kinda off scary.
- There's this soul who confuses me a number of time in just one day. But I hope he's really okay already. Thousand apologies.
- The boss @ work is really getting on my nerve. Seems like he can't stop making alot of noise and pressuring the TMs.
- This super duper bootylious lady. She so small, like Pen or Mazi but her boobies are like over flowing. Is not that I'm making fun of her but it is really disturbing. You guys should have seen it sia. I bet you guys will have fun talking about it. It's really huge.
So basically the day was okay-okay la(oops, pinjam kejap eh). And now I'm sleepy but I refuse to sleep. Sleep la Nisa! Now! I miss my boyfriend. I wish Australia is closer to Singapore. *hugs*
I sometime hate the male species.
This is gonna be another "I hate XXX" entry. But seriously, sometimes I just wish that I don't have feelings for the male species. It's just too complicatd can.I really got nothing much to say, except that...
You think girls are difficult to understand, guys are just the same. ARGH!!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
A post for you.
I really have nothing else to say. Thanks for tagging?But seriously, thanks for tagging.
To all my friends, I'm sorry if he offended anyone. He's really angry because I accused him of things he never did and he had enough of all the shits. Okay.
Good for you.
But still, thanks for tagging. love you so much, arh!
Just another creative thought.
Sometimes, I hate someone so much that I feel like killing them with my bare hands. Strangle them in their bed and start chopping them into pieces. Then I'll bring my minced meat machine and start mincing there, every single chopped body part. Then I shall pack all the minced body parts into the clear plastic bag and place them in the box. I will then store the box in my dad's car and will drive the car to the Singapore River. There, I will take out the box and bring it near the bank of Singapore River. I will read some prayer and pray that the soul will be safe. I will take out the packets of minced meat from the box and lay them nicely in a row. I will take like 10 steps diagonally away from the line of plastics. Stand in position, mark my target and I will do a sprint and start kicking every single packet into the river leaving no packet. I will scream "I HATE YOU, SWEET TONGUE JACKASS!" as I kick every single shit into the Singapore River. After every single packet is gone, I take the empty box and deposit them in the nearest dustbin. Compose myself, and get back to the car and drive off. Leaving every hurtful pain, leaving every memory, leaving every used-to be happiness all behind me- in the river. Let it flow away from me and please let it be far far far away from me and please don't come back anywhere near me. I trusted and believed you so much that I was cheated and blinded with all the sweet promises. I hate you and thanks, that's what I needed from you. I really felt, feel, feeling cheated. I just hope the police won't find me because I didn't clean up after the killing and I left the box which is full of my fingerprints at the crime scene. If they do, I'll get a free stay and free food for the next 23 years or probably I will join that jackass in Hell too. Oh damn! See him again? Please forbide that.Oh! I didn't realise I just typed one paragraph of anger and hatered.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
10 things I need-Now.
- Anger Management Sessions
- Emotinal Management Sessions
- Story tellling session with the MAD girls
- Lepakings session with my girlfriends
- A little bit of arse
- A long birthday present list(COMING SOON!)
- A new boyfriend that comes with a super hot girlfriend
- The top from Dorothy Perkins
- To kill that someone who has the sweet tongue
- To make out with a super hot lady. *winks*
Friday, June 23, 2006
2 beautiful people.

This is pure hotness. My Man!

This is pure talent. I might probably just be in love Liverpool soon.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I am sleepy and my eyes feel like they won't open and the lights here have been offing and oning so many times since I was here. It's kinda off irritating. They think what, FUNFAIR IS IT?!
All I want to say it, I wanna sleep!!!
It has never happen before but yesterday yesterday I had a great night. And all this happen when I'm at home. ASK ME WHY! ASK! FASTER ASK!
Okay-okay, thanks for the entu-ism(haha! I don't know how to spell actually.) Here's the story.
One Sunday night, Little Miss Nisa felt so tired and decided just to spent the night with her sister in their room. Her family just got back from a very fabulous trip to Kampong, which Little Miss Nisa wished she had went along. But nevermind, she had her own fun. (I WAS JUST APPROACHED BY CHRITIANS STORY TELLING ME ABOUT JESUS, THE GOD! Back to my story.) She was happy plus very envy when she listened attentively to her sister's story telling.
Suddenly, Haya msged her on MSN.
(It's gonna be a littel Long.)
She was making noise cos I told her about my fake wedding. HAHA!
Haya: i had big plans for u lah. want to make karaoke competition at ur wedding u noe. i'll be e mc
Haya : & e rest will be e showgirls. hahaha
Me : HAHAAH! showgirls eh. interesting~
Haya : i know!
Haya : pls let me be ur wedding planner???!!! ill promise ill do a bloody hell of a job
Haya: & ill do it a low low low fee of one starbucks java chip grande!
Me: actually i got the perfect job for u
Haya: wat?
Me: i'm going u give to the highest post.
Haya: hahaha! wat?
Haya: fanning u?
Me: as the.... "Pencuci pinggan President" and fana will be the V.P
Haya: NOT! if fana hears this. that's it!
Me: ur whole family will be invited to my wedding but ur eating place will be next to tempat cuci pinggan!hahahaha
Haya: im very creative u noe& u waste my creative juices playing wif dishwashing detergent bubbles?
Haya: wow! i feel loved by nisa. thnx!
Me: u can think of ways how to make sure every single plate is shiny
Haya: hahahahahhahahaha, so that evrione cn see their refelction? u think ur using pinggan tembaga ke aper? hahaha
Me: see see... u'r showing great creativity already
So, just a shout out to the other girlfriends, 1 job have been secure-ly posted. After the kecoh chat, Mazi went online and the 3 of us start chatting. And it went 10 notch up, for me at least. After much chatting another post have been posted. It all happened when Haya said that my mum "is not on man"(quoted). Here goes the other posting.
Me: during my wedding, i'm giving haya the post of the "president for the pencuci pinggan mangkok" and fana will be the VP.
Me: you(mazi) and sally can be the rubbish collector for them.
And the happily accepted the post without any complain. That's why Little Miss Nisa loves them to the core! The reason why I gave them these jobs it's because, "u guys are like my backbone"(quoted).
The next happy convo was when Little Miss Nisa annouced that she feel like kentot-ing(farting). Here's what made me laff like hell that I lost my breathe for a moment. I won't edit anything, so it'll be looooong.
Me: i just kentoting
Haya: haha
Haya : useless
Me : hahahaha
Me : i'm laffing
Haya : kentotong kentoting
Me : shocking at my own kentot
Mazi: -_-
Haya : eeeeuww!!
Mazi: DO NOT wana know abt ur kentot bisness lar
Haya: dat sounds sexually disturbing
Haya: i din noe kentot cn be shocking
Haya: gee
Haya: i wanna try too
Mazi: ok seriously,
Haya: see whether i cn shock my own kentot!
Haya : hehe
Mazi: we all need a better social life.
Haya: hahahhaha
Haya: ggaaawd
Haya: im pathetic
Haya: really talking abt kentot wif u ppl
Me: i actually wanted to type choke
Haya: hahahha
Haya: u suck ur own kentot
Haya: ok gross
Haya: i sounded gross
To the MAD girls, Haya typed something about our character.
- im(haya) e blur/slow one
- fana is e quiet/mean one
- sally is e happy/small one
- nisa is e sarcastic/emo one
- ur(mazi) e funnie/depressed one
My story haven end. To sum up the night, her little sister kindly gave a small entertainment(Entertainment Tonight! GOD! that's LAME!). There was a moth flying in the room. She was sooo terrified that she started jumping around tyring to knock off the moth. And all Little Miss Nisa could do was laff till she cry while on the phone. (= Thanks sis for the show. *hugs*
I lorve that night. So loving it. My nights have been better lately. (=
Sunday, June 18, 2006
ADMI (+) I have a new boyfriend
What a weekend!After ages of not even saying a single word to each other, we finally got contacted. (=
In conclusion, I like it better this way.
I shall not begin to talk about Saturday night.
I have a new love. Wanna know abot Him? Here goes.
He's like the most sweetest guy that ever walked planet Earth. He has everything that I always wished for. Dars, if you are reading this I wanna you to know that you'r the best thing that have ever happen to me. I'm so happy that we met each other.
Anyways, more about him. He has this smile that can really- WOW! He has this hand that makes you feel so comfotable. Whenever he talks, he says nothing but pleasant. The greatest thing about him is that he has this scent that ahhhh..... And guess what, he's Dark! I loooorve many-many can. I wanna put his picture here, but I don't really have a good shot of him-YET!
I really feel complete now. He's all that I want now. He's my everything and my only one. Love you lots, Dars. xoxoxo
He is ...
Ahmad Nur Syahiranfikri Bin Ahmad Lokman,
The Invisible Boyfriend. (=

I'm not desperate neither am I insane. I just have a new boyfriend! *bluek*
Friday, June 16, 2006
Happy 19th Birthday, my LarLing!!
Went for Tini birthday meal at Seoul Garden last night.We(Nisa and Pen and you know who.) hope you looorve your presents and the celebration.

He look so cute in this picture! Hehe.
Lorve you, biatches.
Mazi, no matter what happen.... your friends will always be there for you. *hugs*
And, check out Haya's blog for the tagged entry. She's my number one tagged poster! I looike.
i'm here whenever you need me. xoxo
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
The beautiful creation of God.
As I looked at the marvellous moon;I saw twinkles in the sky.
One of that twinkle reminded me of that night.
I named a twinkle after us.
Every night I looked at it, wondering how it could shine.
That's what I did when we were apart.
And now I looked at it and all I can do is smile.
Thinking about that beautiful past that came with a beautiful shine.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
When you are tagged by Little Miss Nisa...
Please do these.List down more than 5 points what your Dream Groom has to have. Let your hair down and go wild!
Rule: Nothing like "He must be kind, caring and bla bla bla"
Get straight to the point.
Yours truly,
Little Miss Nisa
Something from a different vibe
Lately every single entry is so glommy and sad. Boo hoo! Okay, fine.. Let's type about something much more happier. *ponders*I know! Wedding. I love talking about wedding. But I wrote about my dream wedding already. Oh ya. I made a few adjusment to my ultimate wedding. I want the void deck to be in Black and Purple with crystals all over. I wanna the effect of dramatic-cum-romantic for my wedding. And I want all clothe to be satin. Nothing but satin. Hahahaha! Waste of money sia. MY DREAM WEDDING! So be it. Hmm.. Why not I talk something else that is related to my wedding but not the atmosphere or the place or the table cloth or the type of clothing my guest should wear. Let's talk about the type of Man I want my groom to be. Kwang3. This will be interesting (and the fact that I'm having a talk later in 15 mins time is not enough time for me to brag about what type of Man I want!), damn it!
Oh I know! I'll play the "You're tagged game!" with this theme. HAHAHAH! This will be interesting.
My Dream Groom
- Tall around 1.8m (I wanna look good in the wedding pictures and I wanna wear heels!)
- Dark skin tone- Even it means the guest can only see his teeth during the night reception; Hahaha! (Gosh! My children will look amazingly gorgeous and drop dead handsome!)
- Nose with a visible bridge (So that we can "nose-kiss" during the bersanding. Sooo romantic can!)
- Lips that's so irrestitable that I don't mind skipping the whole sanding thing and get straight to bed! (Ooooo... I loike!)
- Smells like the Body Shop Strawberry Lotion (Grrrrr!)
- A skinny body with 6 packs and a chest. (Hot! Hot!)
- He must look good in a purple traditional wedding costume.
- Sharp eyes. (I want him to be able to spot all my wonderful friends in the crowd.)
- Beautiful eyes. (Eyes that I can drown in)
- And..... The most beautiful smile. (So that all my girlfriends will go "SHIT! HE'S SMILLING AT ME!!!" Prasan la korang, he's mine! HAHAHAKWANGKWANGKWANG!)
I loooove dreaming about my wedding!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
This is my life story.
I have forgotten when was the last time I slept super early yet manage to continue sleeping for the rest of the night and still wish that I was sleeping in the morning.Last night, after reaching home around 8pm I headed straight to my room and start crying my heart out. He said things that all I could felt was continuous hurt. After the crying, I went to the bathroom to wash up while asking the maid to cook up some food. I wasn't hungry but I just wanted to stuff myself with food.
I ate in my room, on my bed hugging my Elmo and my fave pillow. At the same time I was stonning outside the window wishing that things were different.
It was 9pm and I was alone in the room. Check my blog for anything new. Change my laptop screensaver to our pictures folder slideshow while tunning in to "This I Promise You" as the background music. Change the position of my laptop and lie on my bed facing the screen.
Pulled my comforter, pulled my Elmo, pulled my fave pillow. Hugged them close. Looked at every moment we spent together. Missed that smile and that laughter.
I closed my eyes and went to bed. Sleeping after my last tear for the night.
And there I was.... Sleeping with my Elmo and fave pillow.
This is a pointless entry but just look how my Saturday night was spent.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Was it wrong for me to love you so dearly few months ago OR Was it wrong for me to even start loving you? When the surrounding didn't agreee about my love, Was it the signal for me to stop loving you OR Did I stop loving you? When things were very difficult for us, Did I gave up loving you OR Is that a signal that there shouldn't be love anymore?
People say, Love don't Lie. My love didn't lie to me. It showed that there's alot of pleasant things inside you BUT Did your love lied to you? It seems like it did.
You build a huge wall between us, I can never reach out to you. I can never know what's happening to you.
Probably you don't need me, because all I want to do is to Love you BUT I think you need friends, who you will be more vocal to.
p/s: She's affecting us more than you know it, trust me.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
I am an Anti-Mickey supporter!
This post is going to be filled with alot of anger. Bear with me.Mickey ni, Mickey tu. Mickey orderkan makn, mickey simpankan rokok sebab ko saket. Mickey ajar ko macam mane nak handle relationship. Jangan cakap pasal mickey la, jangan make accusations about mickey la. Mickey respect aku sebagai manusia la. Mickey itu la, mickey ini la! Sampai aku nangis pon, sebut nama Mickey la. Bila pat situ pon, ko sebut name Mickey la.
Aper ni semua? Cakap arh yang ko tak sayang kan mickey, ko takder rasa nak cinta mickey. Respect friendship korang konon. Meluat sial! Saket hati terlalu la sangat. Aku kawinkan ko dgn mickey baru tahu. Geram sial!
How much I hate pink, that's how much I hate Mickey or Minnie Mouse. Don't ever let me see a mickey infront of my eyes. I'll slaughter the mickey's head until u cant even identify it as a mickey mouce. ARGH!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
It's just a name, but it's not my name.
It's just a name, but it's not mine!
It's just a name, but i hate hearing that name!
Can't you see where I'm coming from?
I miss Mazi!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Oh! Did I mention I was heart broken as well? Haix. It was going so well but you just had to make things bad between us huh? 2 words,
Thanks eh!
I'm lost. Please save me..........
Saturday, June 03, 2006
If you were born between 22nd November and 21st December, you are a Sagittarian Woman.
Physical Appearance
1)You are tall, fair complexioned and are blessed with a beautiful figure.
2)The forehead is large, nose is long and the eyebrows are high & bushy.
3)Eyes are bright and alert as a sparrow's . You can prove to be a good model or an actress.
Mental Attitude
1)You are coverageous, ambitious and full of drive . You are able to push forward your interests. 2)You will not be cowed down by the circumstances and are well capable of holding on to your ground even in most adverse circumstances.
General Nature
1)You take a decision only after studying any problem deeply.
2)A Sagi woman tends to look at the brighter side of the things and possesses good amount of self-confidence.
3)She mostly acts as per her desire and is not much concerned about the results. She also has the habit of speaking as she wants to without thinking of the impact it can have on others.
4)Friendship comes easily to a Sagi woman . She can develop it in a moment and maintain it for a long period of time. You believe in fairplay & justice and often fight for wronged people.
5)You will work to attain new knowledge and like to pursue higher education. You like to travel and shall go on long and short journeys a number of times in your life. You will also be able to attain your goals fast but after that you tend to waste lot of your energy.
6)Even after having a fair degree of success in her life, The Sagi woman does not feel satisfied and something deep within them does not let her rest.
1)You generally have good health and vigour. However there may be various problems related with stress.
2)As Sagittarious sign governs the hips, thighs and the loins , you can face problems connected with this region. Fractures, pains in joints and swellings in this region are also not ruled out.
1)You will generally start your career in some kind of service but due to your nature that does not let you be a subordinate for long , you will move over to self employment quite soon.
2)A Sagi woman makes good money and property in your lifetime and shall be considered a successful and wealthy person.
Romance And Sex Life
1)You have a great desire to be in romantic setting, but you do not let your partner understand this. He will not be able to quite figure out your romantic nature as your outer crust is very cool. 2)In addition to this you say certain things out of your honest nature which will dampen your lover's desire. This may lead to lots of crying though no one will understand you even then. But still, due to your glamour and beauty many men will be interested in you and you shall have a fair share of men.
3)The catch here is : that if you learn over the years on 'how to handle men' - then you can have a love life which will make any woman jealous of you. You can easily win over any man and infact tame him. Once he understands your sincere and honest nature he will be glued to you for a life time.
4)You will have a great sex life and shall want more of it all the time. You will prefer outdoor settings.
5)Thighs and upper leg are your hotspots.
1)Too many proposals, is a problem for you. Selecting the right man from out of those is even more difficult .
2)The Sagittarian women are best of the home-makers and they decorate it with a great taste. 3)They keep their men also in good shape and drive them to be more and more successful in work.
4)You can handle the affairs of the house well though the daily jobs look quite boring to you.
5)You have a great caring nature and you are loyal to your husband and shall stand by him in all the problems of life. You can be a big support for him in tough times. But, as you are not known to express your feelings eloquently , your honesty may sometimes be misunderstood.
Ideal Match
Those born in Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini are best suited for you.
1)You do not have the gift of gab as a result you may often end up putting your foot in the mouth. Be cautius in this regard.
2)Try to understand the world better. Think how the other person will react before you speak. This will save you from many problems.
Lucky Days, Numbers And Colours
Thursday, Wednesday and Sunday are lucky days for you.
Lucky numbers are 3, 5, 6, & 8.
Lucky colours are Yellow, Green and light Blue.
Recommended Gemstones
You should wear a yellow Sapphire along with an Emerald. The gemstones should be of vibrant aura and should never have been worn before. The weight shall be decided as per your body weight and age.